It’s been very encouraging to see the strong support for the New Zealand Libraries Partnership Programme from councils and libraries across the country. Most libraries are already benefitting from the waiving of fees including APNK and programme participants are steadily being filled. Providing direction and guidance to the programme is our Steering Group. The members are: Karen Thomas – SOLGM, Anahera Morehu – LIANZA, Anahera Sadler – Te Rōpū Whakahau, Chris Hay – Public Libraries of NZ, Mike Reid – Local Government NZ, and Vanisa Dhiru – InternetNZ. The group is chaired by Rachel Esson who was recently appointed as New Zealand’s National Librarian Te Pouhuaki. |
- Digital inclusion and literacy
- Library workforce development
- Community engagement
- Reading for pleasure
- Te Reo and mātauranga Maori
- Local content creation.
Lastly we are working across Government agencies and playing our part in COVID response initiatives. Two key initiatives are the Direct Career Service and Caring for Communities. The Direct Career Service to build confidence in job seekers and give them the tools and resources to take steps towards employment or education - Caring for Communities has a a national campaign aimed at parents is underway for the rest of Term 4, with the key message being “School is the best place for kids to be”-
For more information on the NZLPP visit or email [email protected]