Paula Reweti Hallett graduates with a diploma in library and information studies
Tongariro School Library Manager Paula Reweti Hallett graduated from Te Pūkenga | Open Polytechnic in May 2023 after almost 20 years in her current job, showing it is never too late to study.
It wasn’t until recently, Paula says, that she gained the confidence to study towards the New Zealand Diploma in Library and Information Studies through Te Pūkenga ׀ Open Polytechnic.
“My children had grown up and it was time to finally do something for myself,” Paula says.
Paula originally worked at a local school as a teacher’s aide and office support worker. When the Tūrangi schools amalgamated in 2004, she was encouraged to apply for the Library Manager role by a Ministry of Education official, because of the skills she had displayed.
It wasn’t until recently, Paula says, that she gained the confidence to study towards the New Zealand Diploma in Library and Information Studies through Te Pūkenga ׀ Open Polytechnic.
“My children had grown up and it was time to finally do something for myself,” Paula says.
Paula originally worked at a local school as a teacher’s aide and office support worker. When the Tūrangi schools amalgamated in 2004, she was encouraged to apply for the Library Manager role by a Ministry of Education official, because of the skills she had displayed.
Now, as the sole-charge Library Manager, Paula has put a lot of work into creating “an awesome library space” over the last two decades.
“When I started, I had to set up a whole new library with resources from three schools, which had closed in the area,” Paula says.
“I was lucky to have the support and guidance from two wonderful Te Puna Mātauranga o Aotearoa National Library of New Zealand advisors, Gail Cochrane and Linda McCullough.”
“Those days were extremely stressful and hard, but I have created an awesome library space and I am now part of the new rebuild and have been meeting with architects to help design our brand-new library space.”
Paula, who attended high school on the same site she currently works for, has a number of important responsibilities in her current role.
Her priority is looking after both the school’s students and the wider community of this small North Island town.
“I am in charge of the yearly budget proposal, spending, timetabling of classes, processing of resources, and reporting to the Board of Trustees, but most of all I enjoy my job because I love reading and care about the children and the people in our town,” Paula says.
Graduating with the New Zealand Diploma in Library and Information Studies not only enabled Paula to get a much-deserved pay rise, but she also gained confidence, overcoming self-doubt.
“Getting this qualification strengthened for me and also my peers, that I am qualified in my job, not just through experience but now officially with a qualification,” Paula says.
Paula enjoyed the flexible nature of learning online through Te Pūkenga ׀ Open Polytechnic and encourages others thinking about getting into learning to “give it a go”.
“When I started, I had to set up a whole new library with resources from three schools, which had closed in the area,” Paula says.
“I was lucky to have the support and guidance from two wonderful Te Puna Mātauranga o Aotearoa National Library of New Zealand advisors, Gail Cochrane and Linda McCullough.”
“Those days were extremely stressful and hard, but I have created an awesome library space and I am now part of the new rebuild and have been meeting with architects to help design our brand-new library space.”
Paula, who attended high school on the same site she currently works for, has a number of important responsibilities in her current role.
Her priority is looking after both the school’s students and the wider community of this small North Island town.
“I am in charge of the yearly budget proposal, spending, timetabling of classes, processing of resources, and reporting to the Board of Trustees, but most of all I enjoy my job because I love reading and care about the children and the people in our town,” Paula says.
Graduating with the New Zealand Diploma in Library and Information Studies not only enabled Paula to get a much-deserved pay rise, but she also gained confidence, overcoming self-doubt.
“Getting this qualification strengthened for me and also my peers, that I am qualified in my job, not just through experience but now officially with a qualification,” Paula says.
Paula enjoyed the flexible nature of learning online through Te Pūkenga ׀ Open Polytechnic and encourages others thinking about getting into learning to “give it a go”.
“The Te Pūkenga ׀ Open Polytechnic suited my busy lifestyle, and I was able to fit both work and study into my way of life more easily than having to physically attend courses,” Paula says.
Up until the Te Pūkenga ׀ Open Polytechnic graduation ceremony in Wellington in May 2023, Paula had never attended a graduation.
“For my first graduation ceremony to be my own was a huge eye-opener. I found the whole experience amazing,” Paula says.
“Seeing all those graduates and completing my own diploma, I honestly wish I had done it sooner.”
Paula is grateful for the financial support she received to study, including grants from the Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board on behalf of Ngāti Tūwharetoa, and Tongariro School.
If you are interested in studying for the Bachelor of Library and Information Studies or the New Zealand Diploma in Library and Information Studies, go to the Open Polytechnic website. You might like to apply for a tertiary grant to support you to do this.
Up until the Te Pūkenga ׀ Open Polytechnic graduation ceremony in Wellington in May 2023, Paula had never attended a graduation.
“For my first graduation ceremony to be my own was a huge eye-opener. I found the whole experience amazing,” Paula says.
“Seeing all those graduates and completing my own diploma, I honestly wish I had done it sooner.”
Paula is grateful for the financial support she received to study, including grants from the Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board on behalf of Ngāti Tūwharetoa, and Tongariro School.
If you are interested in studying for the Bachelor of Library and Information Studies or the New Zealand Diploma in Library and Information Studies, go to the Open Polytechnic website. You might like to apply for a tertiary grant to support you to do this.
Did you know recent graduates automatically qualify to apply for RLIANZA?
Te Herenga Waka o Aotearoa Victoria University of Wellington Master of Library and Information Studies and Te Pukenga Open Polytechnic qualifications are recognised by the LIANZA Professional Registration Board as meeting the LIANZA Professional Registration Bodies of Knowledge (BoKs). Graduates who are LIANZA members just need to pay the initial application fee of $57.50 and submit an application form with a copy of their qualification to become professionally registered. You then start collecting professional evidence over the next three years in order to revalidate. RLIANZA shows your peers and employers that you have demonstrated a commitment to professional standards, and to developing and enhancing competence.
Te Herenga Waka o Aotearoa Victoria University of Wellington Master of Library and Information Studies and Te Pukenga Open Polytechnic qualifications are recognised by the LIANZA Professional Registration Board as meeting the LIANZA Professional Registration Bodies of Knowledge (BoKs). Graduates who are LIANZA members just need to pay the initial application fee of $57.50 and submit an application form with a copy of their qualification to become professionally registered. You then start collecting professional evidence over the next three years in order to revalidate. RLIANZA shows your peers and employers that you have demonstrated a commitment to professional standards, and to developing and enhancing competence.