There are two main threads to this project:
- Workforce Capability – Increasing library and information sector understanding of what ‘workforce capability’ means and gauging the interest in bringing workforce capability into their organisations. Clarifying LIANZA’s potential role in building workforce capability.
- Te Tōtara – What is the potential for Te Tōtara model and framework to be used within these organisations? How might it be implemented across the sector?
Te Tōtara capability framework was developed with funding from the New Zealand Libraries Partnership Programme (NZLPP) as a tool for strengthening a diverse library and information sector workforce. The design incorporates te ao Māori (Māori Worldview).
It is now two years since the Te Tōtara initiative began. Implementation has been limited, and understanding of the framework is low.
Those who have implemented the framework have found it valuable and have tailored it to their needs, such as Kāpiti Coast District Libraries and Whanganui District Library.
LIANZA wants to contract a skilled library professional to manage this project over the next six to eighteen months, depending on funding milestones being met
Deliverables for this contract role would see them:
- Engaging a group of thought leaders to form an advisory group including at least one representative from Te Rōpū Whakahau
- Researching the interest of library and information organisations in using Te Tōtara workforce framework.
- Engaging with sector organisations and organisational decision-makers responsible for staff learning and development.
- Evaluating the current Te Tōtara online learning and its potential for sector-wide implementation.
- Building on learnings from Whiria te Tāngata, He Kupenga Horopounamu and Kāpiti Coast District Libraries experiences.
- Assessing support from Toi Mai Workforce Development Council to promote the implementation of Te Tōtara.
- Developing a sustainable implementation and funding model for cross-sector implementation, including income from participating services.
- Review current LIANZA professional registration and potential to integrate with Te Tōtara to provide a holistic workforce framework.
- Establishing a small pilot group of library and information services with a community of practice to test implementation.
Project goals will include:
- A sector audit through engaging and collaborating with the sector, such as through a hui and a scan of the opportunities for partnership and leverage across the sector.
- Improved stakeholder engagement and collaboration through a robust stakeholder engagement plan, evaluation of that plan, communication plan, follow up mechanisms e.g., survey to check understanding of concepts, and to check engagement levels
- Stakeholder feedback on these
- A final report with recommendations
LIANZA is looking for a project manager who understands Te Tōtara workforce capability framework and has a background in the library sector and workforce capability experience. Understanding of Te Ao Māori may be useful.
They should have demonstrated experience in online learning and professional development and be able to develop project plans and prepare reports. Their project management skills should include developing frameworks and funding models.
The type of person we seek can deliver outcomes and persevere until the goals are complete.
The project manager will have the support of the LIANZA Office, which is located remotely. The contract period is for an initial six months from Jan to Jun 2024 with the possibility of an extended six-month contract for a second phase from July to December 2024 depending on funding/project progress.
The appointment process will be completed by early January with the expectation that the position will begin in the same month. Pete Elderkin, LIANZA executive director, is the lead for this project.
- Salary of $50,000-$65,000 for a six-month contract, which may be extended for a further 12 months
- Meeting travel costs will be covered
- Work from home
- Must be able to begin this role in early 2024.
If you are interested in applying for this position, please complete the expression of interest form and submit it along with your CV to [email protected] by January 31, 2024.
For any questions, please phone Pete Elderkin on 022 172 6191.
Complete the expression of interest here.