MBE received 148 submissions on the Copyright Issues Paper and have now published submissions on their ‘have your say’ page. You can read a summary of submissions on the same page. The summary focuses most on what emerged as the main themes from submissions, in terms of strengths and issues with the current copyright system.
For the rest of the year, MBE will focus on using the information they have available to develop advice for the Minister of Commerce and Consumers Affairs on objectives for copyright, issues with the current system and its strengths. There will be extensive consultation at the next stage of the review, where they explore possible options for reform.
Health and Disability System Review
The Interim Report of the Health and Disability System Review is now available.
This interim report does not provide final recommendations. It is a progress report reflecting back what was heard during Phase One, providing analysis of submissions and evidence the Review has gathered, and indicating the directions of change the Panel believes are needed. During the next few months the Panel will continue to refine these directions, and engage further with stakeholders, so that specific recommendations can be finalised by March 2020.
There is also an executive overview online which gives a brief executive summary along with a compilation of the directions for change, and the next steps for the Review.