Sharon says, “I am looking forward to working as a PR board member so I can support LIANZA in its efforts to promote professional development among our members and to be able to give back to the library community. I see it as a rewarding role, and when talking to librarians as a means of encouraging them to apply and do activities that would contribute to their PD.” Sharon has been Head Librarian at IPU New Zealand Tertiary Institute since February 2019, prior to this she was Collection Management Librarian at Wintec. She is currently a member of the LIANZA Ikaroa committee and has been involved in LIANZA Te Whakatikenga aa Kaimai committee. Sharon was also the Convenor of LIANZA Health SIG from 2011 to 2014, and has just stepped down from being a committee member on Health SIG. She was awarded a LIANZA Associateship in 2012. |
Adrian says, “Thank you for offering me this opportunity to contribute to the New Zealand library community and to the promotion of librarians across Aotearoa continuing to learn, grow and excel in our profession. I look forward to playing my part towards the continued success and growth of the Professional Registration Scheme, as a representative of the tertiary library sector.” Adrian is currently Subject Librarian at the Unitec Institute of Technology, prior to that he was Knowledge Specialist at Unitec Institute of Technology. Adrian has been professionally registered since he completed his library qualification. He helped facilitate the Information Literacy Unconference in 2019; presented at LIANZA Hikuwai Conference Feedback Session after APLIC sponsorship in 2018; and presented a 'lightning presentation' at LIANZA Conference in 2012. |
LIANZA Professional Registration Board Chair LIANZA Council also approved an extension of the current chair, Cath Sheard to November 2021. The LIANZA Code of Practice requires that the incoming chair has served a year on the current or previous PR Board. Cath Sheard has served two terms since March 2014 and her term has been extended by one year, so that she can mentor a current member of the board into the role. LIANZA Council thanked Cath for her commitment to professional registration and willingness to stay on for one more year. |