UPDATE! | If you were thinking of sending in your EOI for the LIANZA working group to look at the question of LIANZA strategic leadership and governance - we have brought forward the closing date to Friday Dec 13. |
LIANZA made the decision in 2017 to repeal the current 1939 New Zealand Library Association Act and incorporate under the new Incorporated Societies Act that was due to be passed in 2018. This required an update to the LIANZA rules or constitution to comply with the new legislation. In 2017 LIANZA consulted with members and three motions were passed at the 2017 AGM including that the proposed new rules adopted were subject to screening and vetting by LIANZA’s legal counsel. This legal advice has now been sought from Mahony Horner Lawyers on the proposed rules in light of the anticipated Incorporated Societies Bill. A draft constitution has been developed that will meet the association's legal obligations when the new Incorporated Societies Bill passes into law. The Incorporated Societies Bill is now expected to be introduced to Parliament ‘later this year’.
In 2017 there was also some consultation around the LIANZA governance structure. Members were asked to consider how they felt the current governance structure was working, whether regional representation was effective and if it allowed LIANZA to access to the expertise it needs to operate effectively. These governance questions have remained largely unanswered. Mahony Horner have recommended that LIANZA further consider its desired governance structure.
The current LIANZA Council is now calling for a working group to look at the question of LIANZA strategic leadership and governance. This will enable the new LIANZA constitution to include the leadership structure that meets the future needs of the association as it transitions to the new incorporated status.
Expressions of interest are called for from LIANZA members. We are seeking people from diverse roles from across the library and information sector who are interested in making a contribution.
Whatever your title ... library assistant, team leader, service, digital or programming lead, a branch or library manager; whatever sector you work in ... public, special, school, tertiary, prison or law libraries or another part of the GLAMMI sector; whether you are a new professional or an “old hand’ ... if you are interested and think you can make a contribution to this work, we want to hear from you.
The working group will be formed by early February, 2020. The terms of reference can be found here
To express your interest, simply tell us why you are interested in being involved and what you think you can bring to this work by emailing [email protected] by Friday December 13, 2019 (aka just before the summer 'holidays'!)
LIANZA Council will consider the expressions of interest next week, advise the applicants and make an announcement by Friday Dec 20 ... just prior to everyone leaving their desks for last minute Xmas shopping, followed by cream whipping, pavlova making, champagne cork popping and well-earned summer breaks.