We invite anyone interested in copyright to apply.
- The committee meets by Zoom once a month for an hour, and there can be work between meetings. We aim to meet once per year in person.
- Expected time commitment is around 3-6 hours per month. There can also be periods of quite intense work when we are preparing a submission, but the workload is shared between the committee to ensure that it doesn’t become onerous for any member.
- We envisage that much of the focus for our work will be on the Review of the Copyright Act 1994, despite it currently being on hold. The Review covers not only the provisions which relate to libraries and the GLAM sector more broadly, but the relationship between Mātauranga Māori and copyright.
- The Committee is very collegial and joining is a great way to extend your awareness and understanding of the copyright issues facing New Zealand libraries.
This is an exciting time to be working on copyright matters and joining the committee will give you the opportunity to help shape change. The initial commitment for membership is a three-year term.
If you are interested in joining us please complete the expression of interest and send to: [email protected]
If you have any questions about the LIANZA Standing Committee on Copyright please contact Melanie Johnson, the current Acting Chair on [email protected]
"Being part of this committee has been amazing for my professional development and confidence around assessing and applying Copyright. Being involved in the Copyright Act review alongside a great group of likeminded and experienced librarians is an amazing opportunity to advocate for the cultural sector and our patrons. Melanie Johnson, LSCC Acting Chair I am delighted to be able to continue the advocacy for workable exceptions for libraries that facilitate the sharing of the valuable resources held by libraries and to continue to work collaboratively with professionals who are such a fountain of knowledge and resourcefulness."
Zoe Richardson, Auckland Museum and LSCC Secretary.