Do you want to play an essential role in enabling this vision to be realised?
LIANZA is seeking nominations for President-elect and three regional councillors. Nominations for these positions are now open and close on Wednesday May 1, 2019.
Are you or a colleague ready to step into a new leadership role?
Download a nomination form here.
LIANZA President serves a three-year presidential term, with consecutive one-year terms as President-elect, President, and Immediate Past President. The three Presidents work closely together to deliver on LIANZA’s strategic mission: Strengthening our members to be innovative and responsive to future information needs and five-year strategic plan. Over the three-year term the ideal next President-elect would be confident to represent LIANZA and be passionate about the place of libraries and information services in making Aotearoa New Zealand a better place where everyone can thrive and grow and participate in communities, in education, and in employment.
This role provides many leadership opportunities – representing LIANZA at hui, forums and conferences, working alongside national and international stakeholders, leading the Council and championing our partnership with Te Rōpū Whakahau.
Paula Eskett shares with us what being LIANZA President means for her:
Personally, I didn’t feel career ready to be LIANZA President, but my networks, relationships and passion overrode this feeling. Behind every LIANZA President is an incredible collective of previous LIANZA presidents – you are never alone – you always have passionate and loyal past presidents to test ideas with and ask for support and guidance. They are an amazing and very special group to be able to learn from.
Over the last two years we have developed a 3P model – President-elect, President and Past President – essentially the tuakana teina model without the age differences! This ensures we have others to step in when the President is not available and this has created regional representation, reducing LIANZA’s travel costs.
You need to be able to commit regular time to the role and it is much easier with a supportive workplace and manager. Much of what we work on is learnt on the job, but it’s essential you’re preloaded with positivity, energy and a possibilities mindset. LIANZA helps turn member ideas into reality.
Being LIANZA President has been a privilege and an opportunity that has allowed me to grow personally and professionally. I’ve had opportunities, experiences, conversations and challenges that have taken me in positive directions I never believed possible.
You’ll never regret stepping into this role.
I’m happy to talk and share more if you’d like to know more. #justdoit #you'vegotthis
Ngā mihi,
021 622 972
[email protected]
LIANZA Council is made up of regional councillors elected from each of our six regions. LIANZA is seeking nominations for regional representation from Hikuwai, Te Upoko te Ika a Maui and Aoraki. If you are already involved in a LIANZA region or if you are looking for a new challenge and want to make a significant contribution to the library sector at the national level, then consider nomination to LIANZA Council.
As a Councillor you get to learn about and practice governance, strategic thinking, communication and much more – all valuable tools for your professional and personal development.When starting out you are part of a supportive and collaborative team where all questions are welcome and are, in fact, encouraged! Along the way you get to learn from and draw on all of the experience and expertise of the members of the LIANZA Council and Office. Applying to become a LIANZA Regional Councillor is one of the most valuable things to do if you want to contribute to the wider profession and give back to the sector.
On Council we all have different skill sets and library backgrounds so one thing I have enjoyed is getting to understand more about the different sectors and their needs. We get to read the findings of Working Groups (The Rules Committee, SIGs and Regions, Copyright, Registration Board) and it has given we a wider perspective on the library world and the challenges that Council faces to keep LIANZA up and running for its members. Being on Council has given me an overview on high level proceedings, such the LIANZA financials.
We also worked together to develop new mission and vision statements for LIANZA, the process was really interesting and I feel we came up with statements that really reflects who and what LIANZA stands for. I would recommend that if you get the chance to be a regional councillor then go for it, it has certainly helped to grow my leadership skills.
For more information read our Guide to LIANZA Council.
NB: Nominees for all positions must be personal members of LIANZA and hold LIANZA professional registration.
Remember to send in your nomination form by Wednesday May 3.
Nāku noa nā,
Ana Pickering
Executive Director