We are delighted to announce that $2057.60 of funding will be allocated to a research project to assess the readiness of facilitators to lead Dementia Friendly Book Clubs in libraries. This project will be led by Professor Anne Goulding and Dr Jennifer Campbell-Meier at Victoria University of Wellington and the funding will be used to engage a research assistant to assist with literature review, questionnaire design, data analysis and transcriptions.
The selection panel were supportive of this timely research project. “It is a new, research-based initiative with the potential to impact our communities well into the future. The topic is relevant since the number of people with dementia in our communities is growing.” The panel recognised that research around the readiness of facilitators to lead these book clubs will support the facilitators and be useful in informing service design and delivery across especially the public library sector in New Zealand. The panel also noted that the research project supports LIANZA strategic vision by identifying new initiatives and advocating the importance of libraries for all members of the community and has the potential to make international impact as a book club model since the results could benefit libraries around the world.
This project was dependent on the Dementia Friendly Bookclub Kickstarter raising the $5000 to supply 20 libraries with dementia friendly book sets and facilitators guides. It is fantastic that that Dovertale Press Kickstarter has raised the $5000 needed for this initiative.
LIANZA will be calling for applications for interested libraries to be one of the 20 libraries to receive the dementia friendly book sets, support to use these as a tool for their library to become more dementia friendly and to be part of this research project and community of practice.
LIANZA thanks the LIANZA Contestable Fund Selection Panel for their work; Kareen Carter - Health SIG and Te Upoko te Ika a Maui; Anne McKillop - Research SIG; Hannah Russell – SLIS; Elaine Sides, Aoraki; Rosamund Feeney, LIANZA Council, Stacey Smith, Hikuwai; Brigid Brammer, Te Upoko te Ika a Maui
The two other applications were unsuccessful since these did not meet the contestable fund eligibility criteria.
One application was assessed to only benefit one library service and the selection panel required more detail about how the proposed initiative would be evaluated, so that evidence, resources and recommendations can be shared more widely with other library professionals. The applicant has been offered the opportunity to re-submit the proposal with an evaluation framework. Another application was ineligible since it was requesting funds to subsidise attendance costs at an event. The panel suggested that the applicants work with their LIANZA regional community with the support of LIANZA Office to offer this valuable professional event. Thank you to all the applicants for making time to submit an application to the inaugural funding round.
What is the LIANZA Community Contestable Fund?
The LIANZA Community Contestable Fund was created using a proportion of accumulated LIANZA SIGs and Regions funding as at June 30, 2019 with the transfer of $60,000 into a separate fund account. The fund will grow in the second year as additional funds are contributed annually from interest, membership income and community surpluses. LIANZA has made available an additional amount of up to $6,000 in 2019-20.
The purpose of the contestable fund is to provide equitable access for our members to funding support for research, advocacy, community projects and new initiatives that will benefit the sector.
All LIANZA regional and special interest communities are eligible to apply for the LIANZA Community Contestable Fund. The fund is also available to LIANZA communities working in partnership to launch an initiative and to LIANZA communities working in partnership with other GLAM sector organisations who can provide matched funding.
All applications need to be sent to your LIANZA regional or special interest community for feedback and prioritisation by March 2, 2020. Applications will then be submitted to the LIANZA Community Contestable Fund Panel by March 23, 2020. There is $2,000 remaining in the fund after the regional conference grants and the research grant have been paid out.
You can find contact details for LIANZA regional or special interest communities at:
If you have any questions please contact LIANZA Office [email protected]