Kohacon is free to attend, thanks to our sponsors. The Koha community aims to be as inclusive as possible, and $0 attendance fees is an important part of that kaupapa.
Since 2006, Kohacon has provided a chance for the community, who collaborate all year, to put faces to twitter handles, chat nicknames, and email addresses. This year we'll miss the hallway track discussions, but by being online, Kohacon can be accessible to a much wider audience of librarians, developers, and contributors.
Kohacon20 will be a mix of in-person and online presentations, which will all be streamed. NZ speakers will deliver talks at the Tiakiwai Conference Centre at the National Library of New Zealand. Our most recent Koha community webinar had over 10,000 views to date, and we expect that online participation will make this NZ’s biggest library conference this year - maybe the world's biggest.
Register your intention to attend online or in-person
What you can look forward to You'll have the opportunity to connect with Kohacon attendees globally, all week. It will be a jam-packed seven days full of learning, networking, skill-building, and professional development, with something for everyone! 19 – 21 October: The first three days of Kohacon are a single-track conference which includes a spectacular lineup of engaging and informative presentations. 22 October: Cultural Day is an excellent chance for visitors to explore Wellington city and get to know each other better. 23 October: We have a series of workshops covering Koha documentation, MarcEdit, linked data, RFID solutions, and design. 24 – 25 October (weekend): Koha DIY (previously a 'hackfest'). This is a great chance for developers to work with librarians who use Koha on a daily basis to discuss and implement improvements. |
A small selection of highlights from the programme includes linked open data, library website accessibility, documentation, cataloguing plugins, creative problem solving, educating Koha users, website re-design, and marketing tips. You can view the full programme on the website .
Kohacon extends a very warm welcome to all who would like to attend. We can’t wait for you to join the Koha community.
To stay updated follow @nzkoha on Twitter, and keep an eye on our website .
Koha team at Catalyst NZ