Award-winning writers and poets, former publishers, academics, long-standing booksellers and a well-known journalist are among the 12 people selected to judge the 2020 Ockham New Zealand Book Awards. LIANZA is thrilled that Hocken Librarian Sharon Dell is on the panel judging the General Non-Fiction Award. Sharon says: “I am particularly appreciative of being asked to help with judging because librarians have a useful perspective to bring. Not only do we see the research process in action and have an idea of how thoroughly authors are looking at sources but we also have an inside view of the reaction to new publications. Our readers often let us know what they think of the books they are reading – whether fiction or non-fiction – so we have a sense of their impact. In a research library like Hocken we are also quickly aware of those books that really are contributing to new knowledge and are helping new generations gain a better understanding of the world we live in. It will be an interesting few months ahead!” |
LIANZA looks forward to hearing about the 2020 long list next year.
You can read more about the full list of judges here >