The committee’s purpose is to deliver social and professional development events for members in the Wellington region and beyond. The committee is a good platform for building a professional network and developing a set of skills such as self-management, leadership, and problem-solving.
Over the past year, Te Upoko te Ika a Maui offered a Library Assistants’ Day in August 2022, hosted a regional hui to discuss the LIANZA strategic plan in October 2022, and recently co-hosted a networking event with LIANZA SLIS colleagues in June. The committee recently hosted an online event to promote rainbow-inclusive workplaces and spaces in libraries and have a joint session for and by children and youth librarians planned for August.
If you have a suggestion for a professional development session or are interested in joining the committee, or if you’d like to catch up over a coffee on a good Wellington day, please contact the LIANZA Te Upoko te Ika a Maui committee via the LIANZA office [email protected].
You can find out more about us from the LIANZA Communities page or like us on Facebook
Current committee members introduce themselves below.
Chair - Jennifer Klarwill Jennifer Klarwill is the chair of the committee and is also the co-chair of the LIANZA SLIS special interest group. Jennifer is the Principal Adviser Information Services at Department of Corrections /Ara Poutama Aotearoa. Her role is to deliver library and information services to all Corrections staff across the motu. Jennifer is keen to hear about all the amazing and innovative services our public library colleagues deliver. |
Committee member - Ivy Guo Ivy Guo is the Manager of the Library Resource and Acquisitions team at Te Herenga Waka Victoria University of Wellington. She has worked in the library for 16 years and is passionate about leadership development and collection management. She is the LIANZA president-elect and currently serves as a member of the LIANZA Tertiary Libraries (TEL) SIG. Ivy says the work she has done with these LIANZA committees has been inspiring and rewarding. She encourages members to get in touch if they are thinking about supporting their committees and communities. |
Committee member – Lynn Pham Lynn Pham has been working at Wellington City Library since December 2019. It is her first role in the public library sector, she is the Community Services Librarian. Along the way, her love for public library work has grown. She enjoys serving customers and building relationships with the local community through her daily work and the events they deliver to the public. After being in the public library sector for the last few years, she feels like it is the path for her. Lynn joined the LIANZA Te Upoko o Te Ika a Māui Committee two months ago as a fresh member and hopes to gain professional experience and contribute to the library network. |
Committee member – Aaron Wanoa Aaron Wanoa is a Collection Development and Management Specialist at the National Library of New Zealand Te Puna Mātauranga o Aotearoa. Aaron’s role involves using collection development and acquisition subject matter expertise to help acquire the library’s published collections. The role provides training and coaching to colleagues and contributes to the development and review of processes and workflows. |
Committee member – Judith Porter Judith has over 20 years of library and information management experience. She has worked mainly for government agencies and in small to medium special libraries. Her roles have included managing library, information and research services, and staff. This has included developing strategies, policies and procedure guidelines; managing library and information management systems; and training staff and customers to use these systems, policies, and procedures. |