At Te Upoko o te Ika a Māui’s recent AGM, Jennifer Klarwill was welcomed as the new committee chair. Jennifer took over from Stephnie Burton who is now LIANZA’s regional councillor for Te Upoko o te Ika a Māui. Special thanks and recognition is deserved for Brigid Brammer who stepped down from the committee and was the previous regional councillor representative. A call was made for new committee members - so if you’re interested, please make yourself known to Jennifer or one of the committee members.
Previous event
At the AGM, Sam Orchard (Assistant Curator of Cartoons and Comics at the Alexander Turnbull Library) shared some insights into his new role. He helped explain the differences between cartoons and comics and revealed how blurry the lines around them are. He showcased interesting examples from the Cartoons and Comic collection and mentioned his work on a draft collection plan.
Upcoming event
We look forward to hearing from two of our members, Kareen Carter and Jennifer Klarwill at the upcoming Hui Whakamahi for the Evaluation and Impact regional hui to be held at Johnsonville Library Waitohi Hub on Thursday September 9 @ 5.30pm at . They’ll be sharing what they have learnt and experienced from being on this programme along with others.