Strategic objectives
- Responses were generally positive on the progress being made by LIANZA against the strategic objectives scoring an average 7 out of 10 rating on progress. This is an excellent rating when we are six months into a three-year plan.
- Members felt that they were already too busy in their day jobs to be further involved in LIANZA in a voluntary capacity. Others commented that for low-income, part-time library staff, the membership fees were too much.
"LIANZA has made some progress with the two objectives "To support and empower library and information professionals in their career development" and "To facilitate an engaged and connected community of library and information professionals" negligible progress against the remaining objective. I would like to see LIANZA more visible and vocal with central and local government and working to strengthen cross sector partnerships."
- 59% of respondents said they would still attend LIANZA PD events if there were a small cost for members and a larger cost for non-members. However, respondents want these to be available to everyone in the sector.
- There are clear themes to focus on for professional development in this feedback. Some of these themes are already planned to be provided by SIGs.
- Areas that respondents were most interested in professional development and webinars were:
- What does the library of the future look like – a look at new technologies, library trends and emerging practices. A particular focus on AI.
- Supporting Mātauranga Māori and Te Tiriti o Waitangi in our library and information services.
- Showcasing the value of libraries.
- Next level management, budgets and strategic planning
- Managing differing opinions and difficult library users, what are the behaviours acceptable in a public library.
- What does the library of the future look like – a look at new technologies, library trends and emerging practices. A particular focus on AI.
"I think the Professional Development opportunities are fantastic and more of those would be amazing, though at the moment they are fine as they are".
- There was a high confidence rating given for LIANZA communications received over 2023 with an average rate of 8 out of 10.
- Respondents were very positive about LIANZA's current communications overall, finding them engaging, relevant, clear, and well-written and having thoughtful content.
- There were a number of comments about there being too many communications channels to monitor, with a number of comments about the website(s) needing to be streamlined and refreshed and concern about the lack of use of LIANZA Connect. Te Rau Ora Library Life was favoured.
- 62% supported producing four issues of Te Rau Ora Library Life a year instead of six.
- 54% of respondents had not used the LIANZA Connect platform.
- 85% of respondents said the frequency of LIANZA’s communications was about right.
- There is clear feedback that the sector feels ‘information overload’. Hence, focusing on fewer channels, more concise and considered communications. Joined-up comms across the sector may be useful to help engagement.
“I think the communications are good, and that they must really continue to be good into the future. I would not want to see them changed.”
"My regional community is dead. There are no LIANZA events here. Or the one event that was held was of no relevance to me."
- Responses suggest that LIANZA should review how LIANZA communities are supported.
- Members would benefit from better communication on how people can get involved with the various communities and special interest groups.
- There was overwhelming support for LIANZA-organised roadshow events in regions, with 86% in favour.