LIANZA would like to thank everyone who was nominated. We are thrilled with the calibre of the nominees and their commitment to LIANZA.
Nominations received for LIANZA Hikuwai, LIANZA Aoraki and LIANZA Te Upoko te Ika a Maui regional councillors are unopposed. A nomination for LIANZA Murihiku for the vacant regional councillor position will be ratified by the current LIANZA Council.
Online voting is now open for LIANZA President-elect and closes on May 21, 2021 at 5pm.
The successful LIANZA President-elect and regional councillors will be announced by May 28.
LIANZA President serves a three-year presidential term, with consecutive one-year terms as President-elect, President, and Immediate Past President.
Meet our two LIANZA President-elect candidates below.
Tēnā koutou katoa. Ko wai koe? Ko Kim Tairi tōku ingoa. No Waikato ōku tūpuna. Kei te noho au ki Te Pito o Tāmaki. Kia ora koutou. I’m Kim Tairi. A first in family, indigenous, intersectional feminist who leads an academic library in Tāmaki Makaurau. I am a career librarian who has worked in libraries since the mid-90s in Australia and Aotearoa. A member of ALIA for over 20 years and now a member of Te Rōpū Whakahau and LIANZA since returning to Aotearoa in 2016. Like many of you I chose libraries because I believe that together we build social capital. We help society to function better and libraries are a social good. The current pandemic has shown our communities just how fundamental libraries are to helping people to stay connected, informed and engaged. |
Collectively we have the people power, expertise, creativity and networks to do just about anything. LIANZA is your professional association, it is us. As President I will work hard to make every member feel valued, to thrive and for LIANZA to flourish as a professional association.
On Twitter: @kimtairi
Kia orana kōtou katoatoa, Ko Kim Taunga tōku ingoa Ko Araikonga tōku pāpā Nō Rarotonga mai ia Ko Patricia tōku māmā Nō Airangi ia. I whānau mai au ki Tāmaki Makaurau I tupu mai au i Ngāmotu Kei Te Rae o Kāwharu ahau e noho ana Kei Ngā Pātaka Kōrero o Tāmaki Makaurau ahau e mahi ana Ko au te Pouārahi Pātaka Kōrero ā-Hapori ki te Tonga me te Rāwhiti. Tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou katoa Kia orana e te whānau LIANZA, |
Below you can read a little more about my LIANZA and work history, but, anything I may have contributed to over the years has only been achieved with the help and generosity of numerous other people in teams, committees and working groups. It’s been so much fun and I have more to give! I would be grateful for your vote so that as LIANZA President I can work with the Tumuaki and whānau of Te Rōpū Whakahau, the Pasifika Information network, LIANZA Council and our entire sector to contribute to enabling the wellbeing and successes of our communities and the future of our profession and organisation.
My team and I look after half of the 55 community libraries in Tāmaki Makaurau as part of the Connected Communities department. We are amidst a change process right now so my role is about to change to look after libraries, as well as the Council-led community centres and art galleries in one of three areas in Tāmaki Makaurau. I’ve worked mostly in the Auckland region in Manukau, North Shore, Papakura and since all the councils amalgamated in 2010, in Auckland. I also worked for Christchurch City Libraries for a little while which was super fun at New Brighton and Shirley libraries and how I got to know our current LIANZA President-elect Erica Rankin.
I have been a a LIANZA member since I was a library assistant when my first manager took me to a branch meeting back in the 90’s! I have an Associateship and have been chair of the LIANZA Hikuwai chair and Hikuwai regional councillor for a couple of terms as well as holding the social portfolio on several LIANZA conference committees (current president Anahera Morehu was on most of those committees with me too).
I was around when LIANZA was NZLA, since before Te Rōpū Whakahau existed (there was a Bicultural Special Interest Group which I was on the commitee of) and before the Pasifika (PIMN) Community was formed. So, yep, I’ve seen some things, worked with some awesome people, and had the opportunity to contribute to some stuff. I look at the list of LIANZA presidents and realise I have been lectured by and worked for and with so many people on that list, very humbling to even think about joining it.
I’m proud to be part of an organisation with such a long history and which supports meaningful values and work. If as President I can serve you and help move LIANZA move forward and remain vital and relevant then excellent! Thanks for being a LIANZA member and, President or not I hope to see you or e-see you at a LIANZA gathering soon.
On Twitter: @kimiidrene