LIANZA Executive Director, Ana Pickering met with LIANZA regional and special interest community chairs last Friday and together they brainstormed some ways that your national association could help keep you connected with colleagues and provide professional support in the weeks and months ahead.
Some of these ideas have already been put into action, shared on social media and are also outlined below. LIANZA Office is working effectively from home to support its members so please be in touch with your ideas and questions over the coming weeks.
For information and support as it comes to hand, check out our online COVID-19 resources and join our online community events.
Noho Tawhiti (sit at a distance)
Tū Kotahi (stand as one)
–The Hon. Peeni Henare
We are now all working from home – adjusting to a temporary workplace, creating new daily routines and facing unique challenges without the support of familiar colleagues.
Maybe you have ‘library’ questions, employment queries, maybe you want to discuss library stuff or just chat with someone who is in a similar situation to you. Or maybe you just want to share some of the silliness, have a laugh and do the daily quiz? LIANZA is offering #stopforacuppa for 30 minutes at 10:30am and 3:00pm every week day.
Just jump onto this Zoom link to see who else is having a cuppa and ready to talk.
There are some simple rules – introduce yourself, welcome newcomers, share resources and fight fake news. Stuff you already do in your libraries.
Oh – and if you think of something else your national association can do to support you – let us know. See you for a cuppa!!
Over 20 people from libraries around the country joined the first LIANZA COVID 19 meeting on Monday. You are welcome to join this meeting each week to share information, strategies, actions and ideas with other managers and librarians across the library and information sector. Meeting notes from this week are posted at
Please join us every Monday at 2:00pm using this Zoom link
Once you have your home office set up you might find your work day has new flexibility allowing more time for professional development. With that in mind we have begun uploading free, online professional development resources to a new section on our website. We will continue to add to this and are very happy to add links sent in by members. If you have any resources that would be useful for your colleagues please send to: [email protected]
LIANZA #libraryfromhome
Thanks to @ChristchurchLIb for the idea on Twitter – we have set up a new section on the LIANZA website called Library From Home to share all the resources that are available to people, family and whanau at home. Please send us your ideas and we will update the page daily. You can use and search the hashtag #libraryfromhome on social media too.
Included in recent updates is information about Findmypast and Ancestry Library Edition allowing subscribing libraries to provide remote access to their resources in light of COVID-19.
LIANZA has been working since last Thursday with the Publishers Association of NZ (PANZ) and Copyright Licencing NZ (CLNZ) to see if an agreement on copyright can be made to enable New Zealand libraries to provide virtual storytimes for children during this time of library closures and family isolation. A special arrangement for library storytimes has been reached in Australia. Our aim is to provide guidelines that do not make it too difficult for libraries while respecting copyright.
One suggestion to avoid copyright issues is for libraries to approach local authors to record readings of their own books. LIANZA is discussing this with the NZ Society of Authors and have also approached ReadNZ.
The LIANZA Standing Committee on Copyright will also be preparing some guidance, so that libraries are not breaking copyright in their desire to support their communities.
We had hoped to get an agreement and more information out sooner, but the realities of preparing work and families for the realities of Level 4 have been the priority.
We have decided to postpone the April issue of Library Life due to the unprecedented events unfolding in New Zealand and around the world causing disruptions for contributors. Some items will be posted online over the next few weeks and will then be collated into the full magazine PDF with an intended publication date of May 1st.
In these unprecedented times, support offered across our professional community will be important to enable effective responses. We will all play a role in being audacious enough to try new strategies, to reach out to reach other and to envision and work toward a better future.
Ngā manaakitanga