A message from MBIE
Thank you again to those who took the time earlier this year to provide feedback on the five objectives for copyright that were proposed in our Issues Paper. We have been using these submissions to rethink our objectives, contextualise them and assess how we intend to use them to develop advice in the review.
As a result of this work, we have revised our objectives. This new framework lays the foundation for the rest of our advice in the review of the Copyright Act 1994. To ensure ongoing openness and transparency in the review, we have now published a paper that sets out this new framework. It’s called Copyright Act Review 1994: MBIE’s approach to policy development, and you can read it on the MBIE website.
What next?
For the rest of the year, we will focus on using the information we have available to evaluate current copyright law against our revised objectives and analyse the issues raised in submissions. This will enable us to advise the Minister of Commerce and Consumer Affairs on which issues to prioritise for the ‘options’ stage of the review. We hope to consult publicly on an options paper next year.
If you have any questions in the meantime, or want to catch up with us, you can contact the team at [email protected].
Ngā mihi nui
The Copyright Act Review team