LIANZA TEL SIG committee also farewells Mojgan Sadighi who has moved to Melbourne, and welcomes two new members: Kate Reynolds from the University of Waikato Te Whare Wanganga o Waikato and Hannah Jenkin from Victoria University of Wellington Te Herenga Waka.
The membership continues to grow with an engaged 200+ members! There are active Journal Discussion Groups meeting bi-monthly to discuss articles relevant to tertiary institutions. Each article is connected to a LIANZA Professional Registration Body of Knowledge. More information is available on the LIANZA website.
The committee has some fabulous webinars coming up – which you can find in the LIANZA events section.
LIANZA TEL SIG would like to express their gratitude to Natalie Smith who has been an absolute delight to work with. Her leadership and contribution to TEL SIG brought the community back to life and her energy and dedication have been an inspiration – she will be missed but continues to be an active member of LIANZA.
“I thoroughly enjoyed my time as co-convenor with both Marisa and then Neda and it was a pleasure to be on the committee. I began the role in 2019 and hope I contributed to a bit of a revival for TEL SIG – we had an enthusiastic committee and were able to organise some great events. Highlights included being part of organising committee for “Tātou Tātou: Gather and Grow” Symposium, the 2021 LIANZA Conference and helping with the event planning for webinars.”
LIANZA TEL SIG welcomes Diana to her new role as a co-convenor which she started last month. Diana has been a TEL SIG committee member for several years and has a background in secondary school and tertiary libraries. She is currently a subject librarian at MIT – Te Pukenga working with the schools of education, languages and hospitality areas. Diana is looking forward to contributing her ideas and experiences with others in the tertiary and wider library sector.
Kate Reynolds
Kate is a liaison librarian at the University of Waikato Library. Her role involves teaching and assisting staff and students with research and referencing skills. Kate currently works in the areas of health, engineering, computing, science, and education. She was previously a subject librarian at Wintec.
Hannah is the subject librarian for biological sciences and psychology at Victoria University of Wellington Te Herenga Waka. Her role involves supporting staff and students with research, referencing, publishing and information literacy skills. She is new to this role, with previous experience from her secondment as a law subject librarian. She is currently studying towards her master’s in information studies at Te Herenga Waka.
LIANZA TEL SIG provides opportunities for the community to discuss relevant topics, hosting a number of webinars this year, most recently:
- Data, AI & Digital Transformation, with our guest speaker Dr Andrew Cox, a Senior Lecturer at the Information School, University of Sheffield.
- Designing future libraries: New projects from The National Library of Netherlands, DOK Lab (Delft), Storyhouse (UK) and The British National Library with Erik Boekesteijn, a Senior Advisor at the National Library of the Netherlands, Board member at StoryHouse (Chester, UK), Senior Advisor at the British National Library, Fellow LIS (Syracuse, USA), Founder of PL 2030 (Brussels, EU) and IFLA Consultant.
Want to learn more about the LIANZA TEL SIG Community?
There will be a significant number of tertiary librarians presenting at the LIANZA 2023 Conference. LIANZA TEL SIG is preparing to meet in Christchurch during the conference, so watch this space for more details.
If you’d like to find out more about LIANZA TEL SIG:
- check out our details on LIANZA’s website
- watch our YouTube channel: LIANZA TEL SIG webinars
- join our LIANZA Connect Tertiary Libraries Community
- subscribe to our TelSig listserv:
- join us on Facebook (TEL SIG and Journal Discussion Group pages).